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Ending CRSV would be a triumph for human rights – and is crucial to ending AIDS. One of the serious and long-term physical and emotional consequences for survivors is an increased risk of HIV transmission. Those affected by conflict – and particularly refugees, displaced populations, returnees and stateless in fragile setting  are already at greater risk of HIV, as they may adopt coping mechanisms that can include transactional sex and sexual networking with high-prevalence groups, such as combatants and uniformed service members. At the same time, violence and instability disrupt access to health care facilities and limit HIV services.

UNAIDS works with uniformed services, ex-combatants, conflict-displaced populations and host communities to eliminate CRSV and improve access to health services and social protection. With its partners, UNAIDS:

      • Provides HIV sensitization and awareness programmes for uniformed services, ex-combatants and IDPs;
      • Advocates for including HIV in DDRR within national uniformed services;
      • Promotes and provides voluntary HIV testing and counselling, condom distribution and PEP to uniformed services, displaced populations and host populations in peace missions;
      • Coordinate protection services with women’s protection advisers and focal points in peacekeeping missions;
      • Empowers women champions and promotes access to health care for survivors of sexual violence;
      • Develops tools and guidance on HIV and gender assessments and supports national governments to conduct needs assessments targeting vulnerable populations.  


UNAIDS will continue working through the new Global AIDS Strategy under adoption to further integrate CRSV services into HIV interventions in humanitarian and fragile settings and protect rights of vulnerable people including migrants, focusing on local and community leadership and responses.